Tips To Pamper Your Diamond Ring
Much like love, your diamond jewelry should radiate an everlasting brilliance.
Keep your diamond ring in optimal condition by having it inspected once a year at Spence. We’re your diamond experts after all, and we’ll ensure that your unique ring – the one only you could beautifully create – continues to look, feel, and shine as brightly as your love. In the meantime, here are three bright ways you can keep your diamonds aglow.

Cleaning your jewelry at home.
To add a quick shine to your favourite jewelry piece, fill a bowl with equal parts warm water and gentle dish soap. Simply soak your ring for 20 to 40 minutes and using a soft bristle toothbrush, remove buildup, then rinse your ring thoroughly under warm running water and let it dry. Easy-peasy…and shiny-brighty.
Avoid cleaning your jewelry pieces with bleach, chlorine, acetone, powdered cleaners or toothpaste. They’re a no-go…and a no-glow.

What to do with “hands-on” activities.
Caring for your diamonds goes a long way into keeping the shine alive. As such, it’s always wise to remove your ring during hands-on activities – be it cleaning, contact sports, or heavy lifting of any kind. Better safe than sorry, as we like to say.
Give your diamond ring a second safe place.
When you’re not proudly adorning your favourite jewelry piece, having a dedicated jewelry box or ring dish to store your special diamond ring is extremely valuable – in every sense of the word. Have a go-to-place for your diamond, and keep the frantic searching at bay.

Free cleanings for a lifetime for your original Spence jewelry.
At-home cleanings will never compare to our industrial-grade steam and ultrasonic cleaners. You’ll be shocked at how bright your diamond gets when we remove stubborn soap, lotion, and environmental film.
Drop by anytime you want and keep that sparkle going